
Accent in the UK

Yesterday we had a linguistic class.

First we tried to find where Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds and Newcastle are in the map. Then we listened to  four listening in the class with four different accents. The first one was Yorkshire's. Oh my god, we have been living here almost 3 weeks, but we didn't identify it. When the man said the motto, we all felt so composed!!The county motto is: See all, 'ear all, say nowt; eat all, sup all, pay nowt: and if thou ever does owt for nowt, always do it for thissen. When we listened to it, the blanks we should completed heard like single letter like 'c', 'e'. The most horrible accent is in Glasgow,which is in Scotland. How terrible was that you should listen to it while you had no idea about it. It is like Germany!!! How an English language hears like Germany!

Accent is really horrible! Yesterday was the worst day in the university.

However, thanks to that lesson about accent. It let me know that people would classify which class are you belong to by your accent. The most beautiful accent was the Queen's accent in the past which is adopted  by BBC. Changes always exist. Now days on TV, you can hear different accents when the compere speaks. The accent relives now.

I think it is a good phenomenon! It makes the word live and vivid. Can you imagine a world just has one single accent. I can! It is horrible!!!

